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9 answers you didn't know this about Tahitian Pearl

Vital information about Tahitian Pearl

Here are 9 interesting question about Tahitian Pearls

1- What is the most expensive pearls?
Typically, the rarity of the pearl determines their value; these can range from 30000 USD a piece to an undetermined amount.
The most expensive pearl is a Tahitian Pearl that measures 20.5mm + in diameter and is perfectly green (Peacock Color). Undrilled and of the highest quality, with 0-1 mark (blemish) on the pearl's surface. Due to their extreme rarity, they are rarely sold or seen, and are typically kept by collationers, kept as family jewels or exposed at jewelry exhibitions. The probability of obtaining it is comparable to playing a lottery, which may seems impossible.

2- Which year and who first attempt to farm Tahitian pearl?
It was only in 1963 that Jean DOMARD, veterinarian then director of the Fisheries Department, decided to try the graft on the oyster.

3- Who helped Jean DOMARD with the creation of Tahitian Pearl Farming ?
He approached an Australian pearl company, which arranged for two Japanese grafters to helped with Tahitian pearl farming.

4- How long did it take for them to successfully harvest Tahitian Pearl?
The harvest met their expectations in just two years! But took few more years for this pearl producers to introduce the Tahitian pearl to jewelers.

5- When did exports of Tahitian pearls reached #1 in French Polynesia?
In 2004 Tahitian pearls was the primary export sector in Polynesia; an estimation of around 71% of the local export was from Tahitian pearls, it employs approximately 5,000 people and contributed to the territory's development by reversing migration flows from remote islands to Tahiti.

6- Which year did the market hit a crisis of over production?
The exponential growth of the sector from the 1980s hit a decline in demand since 2000. The crisis has led to take quick measure that was gradually enforce by the government in consultation with professionals in order to stabilize the market by controlling the production chain through demand-supply matching.

7- Did you know that the Japanese first introduced the art of pearl culturing to the Polynesians?

8- Tahitian pearl cultured are mostly grafted by local?
Most of the expert grafter nowadays are Chinese, and this art are now master by both Chinese and Polynesian.

9- Does natural pearls change in color?
Although it may take over 20 years for natural Tahitian pearls to exhibit a slight change in color, which may be imperceptible, it is interesting to note that raw Tahitian pearl color can last a very long time, probably longer than any other type of pearl that turned yellow. If it changed over few years, there's a big possibility that it has undergone any color or luster enhancements.